Data Pathways Community of Practice

EDC's Oceans of Data Institute facilitates a community of practice (CoP) for colleges and community colleges to discuss and learn about data program development. We invite you to explore our resources, specifically the Profile of the Data Practitioner, The Two-Year College Data Science Summit Report, and Tools for Building a Big Data Career Path.

CoP members gain access to ODI-developed tools and resources specific to creating an employer-aligned data program and meet virtually on a bi-monthly basis, receive CoP-specific newsletters, and communicate with one another using a listserv. Learn more about ODI's data pathways tools in this 10-min video.

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Resource Collection: Data Science Textbooks, Tools, and Certifications
Over the course of Data Pathways Community of Practice (CoP) meetings, a collection of resources has been generated and is now publicly available. This collection includes recommended textbooks, open education resources (OER), coursework, tools, certifications and a list of data science associations.

If you are a member of the community of practice, log in here to view CoP newsletters and resources.

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