EDC Earth Science

  • What would it take to colonize another world?
  • What can cause Earth’s climate to change?
  • Will another large earthquake happen in California?
  • How do you find oil?

EDC Earth Science takes students on an exploration of these questions and others, seeking answers grounded in authentic data and the growing body of knowledge about Earth’s systems. A full-year high school earth science course developed with support from the National Science Foundation and fully aligned to A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (NRC, 2012), EDC Earth Science is designed around the belief that students are capable of rigorous and in-depth explorations in science when given adequate support, structure, and motivation for learning. Students perform data-intensive investigations set in real-world contexts and engage in a variety of activities that build critical data-using skills.

EDC Earth Science is now available at LAB-AIDS

Course Tools

Professional Development  is also available.

View sample activities:

Author: Ruth Krumhansl
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